Tomori Pál College




ID: Neptun Code (will be sent by the SAO a few days after enrollment) 

First password: NeYYYYMMDD

Ne - First two letters of word "Neptun"

YYYY -  year of birth

MM - the number of your month of birth

DD- the number of your day of birth


Some "Manuels":

Registration process in Neptun

Set getting e-mail about announcements

Exam registration



Microsoft Teams

Here's how to join Microsoft Teams:

Go to, where you can download the latest Office applications (Word, Excel, etc.), and launch the Teams website, from where you can connect to your computer, mobile, and a tablet version is also available.

You can log in with your account, which is the following:

ID: (f.e.

Password: TitokYYYY (Titok is a hungarian word meaning "Secret",

YYYY - the last two numbers of your year of birth