Tomori Pál College


András Ujj, C.Sc - college proffessor​

He first graduated as an operating engineer at György Killián College of Aviation, then as a military commander at Miklós Zrínyi Military Academy. He also obtained a degree in teaching history at Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College. In his military career of several decades, he served in troops, gave lectures in military education both at Hungarian and foreign universities, and he was also a vice-director of a research institute. He was actively involved in the work of various international organizations and military missions. He attended international courses in strategic and operational planning and organizational communication. He studied defence management at Cranfield University and completed the programme for senior executives of the NATO Defense College. He had his last active military service as the Vice-Rector for Sciences and International Relations at Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University. He has been lecturing at Tomori Pál College since December 2011.