The Parliament decided about the acknowledgement of Tomori Pál College on 14 July 2004. (legislation No. LX. in 2004.). The maintainer organization released its founding document on 22 June 2004.
Headquarter (since 1 February 2017): Művelődés str. 21-27., 1223 Budapest
(previous headquarter was in Kalocsa)
Affiliate: Árpád square. 4., 6000 Kecskemét
Central phone number: (+36) 1 362-1551
Identification number of the Educational Ministry: FI44196
Tax number: 18365830-2-43
Statistical number: 18365830-8030-599-03
Since its foundation, Tomori Pál College has been attended by students from more than 40 countries:

Description of the activities:
1. Education
The main goal of the College is to prepare its students finishing its vocational an BA courses’– during the higher educational process – for implementing, managing the strategic, financial, accounting, controlling, marketing, logistical, human resource management, international economical, project management, etc. tasks and successfully manage the preparation process and situations of decision making process in the specific fields of business life and in the fields of liberal arts.
BA courses:
Higher Educational Vocational Training (in Hungarian):
- Business Administration and Management,
- Finance and Accounting.
Postgraduate specialist training courses (in Hungarian):
2. In addition to teaching activities, the College also aims to fulfil the role of a regional centre of knowledge, based on its capacities of staff, knowledge and infrastructure.
3. The College also acts as an organizer and manager of business to business relations and an interface between the world of labour and the world of education through consulting activities and the organization of business trainings.
Strategic directions:
Based on the institutional strengths and the market opportunities, the following strategic directions have been identified:
- Fine-tuning the selection of programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market and to raise awareness of the self-supporting programmes on offer, relying on our well-prepared and good-famed teaching staff that possess both the necessary academic qualifications and a long experience in education.
- Extending our range of programmes with new courses, especially ones that target skills shortages and seeking further opportunities of securing, based on the existing teaching staff and educational infrastructure.
- Establishing partnership with other Hungarian and international institutions of higher education to start shared programmes and joint courses in addition to joint research programs.
- Starting master programmes with or without the involvement of other Hungarian or international higher education partners in order to offer students the opportunities of further training after finishing their BA programmes.
- Starting dual programmes.
Future prospects:
Currently, Tomori Pál College is the only higher education institution in the region of South Buda and we are determined to continue to be an important educational actor in the field of economics and arts, extending our selection of programmes with ones in technical sciences and IT. The future institution will (continue to):
- offer BA and MA programmes that teach the skills required in the labour market, and all this at a competitive price,
- offer dual courses as well for most of the BA and MA programmes,
- provide electronic textbooks for all the teaching materials of the BA and MA programmes, both in Hungarian and English,
- offer distant teaching courses for each of the BA and MA programmes, both in Hungarian and English,
- ensure that distant teaching and the e-materials are compatible and support each other through synergy,
- add courses in technical sciences and informatics to the existing selection of programmes, both at the BA and the MA level (especially in the border fields between economic and technical sciences, e.g. technical management and economic informatics, etc.),
- provide shared programmes and joint courses organized and operated in partnership with cross-border institutions,
- participate in Hungarian and international research programs by involving teachers, students and college partners such as corporate partners of dual courses in the R&D&I activities,
- offer the structural and infrastructural background to support education activities, provide the required human resources at all required fields and make sure that processes simultaneously meet the requirements of strategic goals and quality assurance aspects.
Strategic directions for R&D&I activities:
- Launching research projects, participating in research projects in partnership with HEIs of the educational area of the countries in the Carpathian Basin to access and support Hungarian institutions, teachers and students in the area.
- Launching research projects, participating in research projects in partnership with HEIs in the neighbouring countries that are not yet member countries of the EU to take advantage of the competitive edge inherent in the EU membership in order to widen the network of scientific links of the College.
- Participating in research projects in partnership with HEIs of the EU member countries in order to widen the network of scientific links of the College.
Activities as part of third world missions:
- Transfer of new competencies to actors of the economy through the courses based on research activities, especially to companies that are the partners of the College in the dual programmes and widening the knowledge transfer by taking advantage of the network links of dual partners.
- Transfer of new competencies to distant learning students through the courses based on research activities, thus establishing the opportunity of a knowledge transfer for students and companies that would otherwise have no access to them.
- Transfer of new skills gathered on the courses based on research activities through e-materials which would support the transfer and dissemination of knowledge.